Copy Editing

You need help with your sci­en­tif­ic pa­per? We are hap­py to help you out!

When edit­ing a text, like in a lin­guis­tic re­view, the edi­tor ex­am­ines the text for lin­guis­tic as­pects, such as gram­mar, spell­ing, punc­tu­a­tion, se­man­tics (mean­ing), word and line breaks. On top of this – and this is the main dif­fer­ence be­tween a lin­guis­tic re­view and co­py edit­ing – your do­cu­ment will be checked for rep­e­ti­tions and com­pre­hen­siveness and for your line of reason­ing. This means that we will ex­am­ine your text with re­gard to lo­gi­cal cor­re­la­tions and struc­ture, and be­yond this, we al­so make sure that the style used in the text cor­re­sponds to the tar­get audience and text gen­re. In most cases, sci­en­ti­fic re­search pa­pers, for ex­am­ple, mean to ad­dress ex­perts and there­fore, it is not com­mon to use col­lo­qui­al lan­guage. How­ever, if you are writing an article for the ge­neral pub­lic, you should a­void us­ing tech­ni­cal and spe­cial­ist terms.

Upon re­quest, we al­so of­fer the re­view of your lit­e­ra­ture re­ferences. All you need is to give us your fa­culty’s guide­lines on re­ferences. If you are not sure which proof­read­ing level is the right one for you, please con­tact us and we are hap­py to as­sist you be­fore you place your order.

Co­py edit­ing is per­formed in MS Word or Open­Office pro­grams (.doc/.docx/.odt). Adjust­ments made in re­gard to style and con­tent al­ways de­pend on the editor’s lan­guage skills and be­cause of this, all changes made to the do­cu­ment re­main vi­si­ble and it is up to you to de­cide whether you want to ac­cept the change or not (for how to accept/de­cline changes, please go to FAQ).

Be­low, you will find an ex­am­ple of a co­py edit­ing ser­vice. If you would like to see the dif­ference be­tween a lin­guis­tic re­view and copy edit­ing, please go to Linguistic Review.

Example_Copy Editing